I’m a collector of many things I find cool. And one of my favorite is my growing collection of LGBT films and TV series.
I believe that LGBT films not only entertain us but inspire and affect us in different ways.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lesbian,_gay,_bisexual,_or_transgender-related_films_by_storyline
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lesbian,_gay,_bisexual_or_transgender-related_films_by_year
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_films
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Facts About Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and
Some BASIC LGBT terms:
LGBT is an acrnonym for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgendered/Transsexuals.
HOMOSEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of gays, lesbians and transgendered people.
HETEROSEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of straight men and women.
BISEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of bisexuals. Nonetheless, since only the 'homosexual' part of bisexuals are considered 'wrong' by some people, the facts below include bisexual under 'HOMOSEXUALITY'.
1. Homosexuality (Same-Sex Orientation & Behavior) is as NORMAL as Heterosexuality, i.e. the sexuality of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people is NORMAL.
2. Homosexuality is NOT a mental or emotional disorder.
3. Sexual Orientation is NOT a choice and CANNOT be changed by therapy.
Needless to say, BELIEFS claiming that Homosexuality is a sin, unnatural (e.g. against the laws of nature), immoral, etc. are just that - BELIEFS. And since they contradict the FACTS mentioned above, they are all FALSE BELIEFS. People who contrived those prejudiced beliefs about sexuality in the past DID NOT STUDY human sexuality unlike the scientists who came up with the facts.
Any authentic scientific journal will point out the facts mentioned above. Below is the complete article published by the American Psychological Association about Sexual Orientation.
Here are the DIRECT LINKS to APA's website containing scientific documents containg the information above.:
The excerpt below was taken from:
Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality by the *American Psychological Association
*The American Psychological Association (abbreviated APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the U.S. and is the world's largest association of psychologists with around 152,000 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants and students and has an annual budget of around $115m
What Is Sexual Orientation?
Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person. It is easily distinguished from other components of sexuality including biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female) and the social gender role (adherence to cultural norms for feminine and masculine behavior).
Sexual orientation exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality and includes various forms of bisexuality. Bisexual persons can experience sexual, emotional and affectional attraction to both their own sex and the opposite sex. Persons with a homosexual orientation are sometimes referred to as gay (both men and women) or as lesbian (women only).
Sexual orientation is different from sexual behavior because it refers to feelings and self-concept. Persons may or may not express their sexual orientation in their behaviors.
What Causes a Person To Have a Particular Sexual Orientation?
There are numerous theories about the origins of a person's sexual orientation; most scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors. In most people, sexual orientation is shaped at an early age. There is also considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.
In summary, it is important to recognize that there are probably many reasons for a person's sexual orientation and the reasons may be different for different people.
Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?
No, human beings can not choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.
Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?
No. Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable. However, not all gay, lesbian, and bisexual people who seek assistance from a mental health professional want to change their sexual orientation. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may seek psychological help with the coming out process or for strategies to deal with prejudice, but most go into therapy for the same reasons and life issues that bring straight people to mental health professionals.
What About So-Called "Conversion Therapies"?
Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports however show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of the claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective which condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented. For example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported overtime as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention.
The American Psychological Association is concerned about such therapies and their potential harm to patients. In 1997, the Association's Council of Representatives passed a resolution reaffirming psychology's opposition to homophobia in treatment and spelling out a client's right to unbiased treatment and self-determination. Any person who enters into therapy to deal with issues of sexual orientation has a right to expect that such therapy would take place in a professionally neutral environment absent of any social bias.
Is Homosexuality a Mental Illness or Emotional Problem?
No. Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or an emotional problem. Over 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems. Homosexuality was once thought to be a mental illness because mental health professionals and society had biased information.
In the past the studies of gay, lesbian and bisexual people involved only those in therapy, thus biasing the resulting conclusions. When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting the removal.
For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.
Can Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals Be Good Parents?
Yes. Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not indicate their children's.
Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children more often than heterosexuals.
Why Do Some Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals Tell People About Their Sexual Orientation?
Because sharing that aspect of themselves with others is important to their mental health. In fact, the process of identity development for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals called "coming out", has been found to be strongly related to psychological adjustment—the more positive the gay, lesbian, or bisexual identity, the better one's mental health and the higher one's self-esteem.
Why Is the "Coming Out" Process Difficult for Some Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People?
For some gay and bisexual people the coming out process is difficult, for others it is not. Often lesbian, gay and bisexual people feel afraid, different, and alone when they first realize that their sexual orientation is different from the community norm. This is particularly true for people becoming aware of their gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation as a child or adolescent, which is not uncommon. And, depending on their families and where they live, they may have to struggle against prejudice and misinformation about homosexuality.
Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes. They may also fear being rejected by family, friends, co-workers, and religious institutions. Some gay people have to worry about losing their jobs or being harassed at school if their sexual orientation became well known.
Unfortunately, gay, lesbian and bisexual people are at a higher risk for physical assault and violence than are heterosexuals. Studies done in California in the mid 1990s showed that nearly one-fifth of all lesbians who took part in the study and more than one-fourth of all gay men who participated had been the victim of a hate crime based on their sexual orientation. In another California study of approximately 500 young adults, half of all the young men participating in the study admitted to some form of anti-gay aggression from name-calling to physical violence.
What Can Be Done to Overcome the Prejudice and Discrimination the Gay Men, Lesbians, and Bisexuals Experience?
Research has found that the people who have the most positive attitudes toward gay men, lesbians and bisexuals are those who say they know one or more gay, lesbian or bisexual person well—often as a friend or co-worker. For this reason, psychologists believe negative attitudes toward gay people as a group are prejudices that are not grounded in actual experiences but are based on stereotypes and prejudice. Furthermore, protection against violence and discrimination are very important, just as they are for any other minority groups. Some states include violence against an individual on the basis of his or her sexual orientation as a "hate crime" and ten U.S. states have laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Why is it Important for Society to be Better Educated About Homosexuality?
Educating all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice. Accurate information about homosexuality is especially important to young people who are first discovering and seeking to understand their sexuality—whether homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Fears that access to such information will make more people gay have no validity—information about homosexuality does not make someone gay or straight.
Are All Gay and Bisexual Men HIV Infected?
No. This is a commonly held myth. In reality, the risk of exposure to HIV is related to a person's behavior, not their sexual orientation. What's important to remember about HIV/AIDS is it is a preventable disease through the use of safe sex practices and by not using drugs.
LGBT is an acrnonym for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgendered/Transsexuals.
HOMOSEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of gays, lesbians and transgendered people.
HETEROSEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of straight men and women.
BISEXUALITY refers to the sexual orientation of bisexuals. Nonetheless, since only the 'homosexual' part of bisexuals are considered 'wrong' by some people, the facts below include bisexual under 'HOMOSEXUALITY'.
1. Homosexuality (Same-Sex Orientation & Behavior) is as NORMAL as Heterosexuality, i.e. the sexuality of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people is NORMAL.
2. Homosexuality is NOT a mental or emotional disorder.
3. Sexual Orientation is NOT a choice and CANNOT be changed by therapy.
Needless to say, BELIEFS claiming that Homosexuality is a sin, unnatural (e.g. against the laws of nature), immoral, etc. are just that - BELIEFS. And since they contradict the FACTS mentioned above, they are all FALSE BELIEFS. People who contrived those prejudiced beliefs about sexuality in the past DID NOT STUDY human sexuality unlike the scientists who came up with the facts.
Any authentic scientific journal will point out the facts mentioned above. Below is the complete article published by the American Psychological Association about Sexual Orientation.
Here are the DIRECT LINKS to APA's website containing scientific documents containg the information above.:
The excerpt below was taken from:
Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality by the *American Psychological Association
*The American Psychological Association (abbreviated APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the U.S. and is the world's largest association of psychologists with around 152,000 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants and students and has an annual budget of around $115m
What Is Sexual Orientation?
Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person. It is easily distinguished from other components of sexuality including biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female) and the social gender role (adherence to cultural norms for feminine and masculine behavior).
Sexual orientation exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality and includes various forms of bisexuality. Bisexual persons can experience sexual, emotional and affectional attraction to both their own sex and the opposite sex. Persons with a homosexual orientation are sometimes referred to as gay (both men and women) or as lesbian (women only).
Sexual orientation is different from sexual behavior because it refers to feelings and self-concept. Persons may or may not express their sexual orientation in their behaviors.
What Causes a Person To Have a Particular Sexual Orientation?
There are numerous theories about the origins of a person's sexual orientation; most scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors. In most people, sexual orientation is shaped at an early age. There is also considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.
In summary, it is important to recognize that there are probably many reasons for a person's sexual orientation and the reasons may be different for different people.
Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?
No, human beings can not choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.
Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?
No. Even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, sometimes pressured by the influence of family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable. However, not all gay, lesbian, and bisexual people who seek assistance from a mental health professional want to change their sexual orientation. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may seek psychological help with the coming out process or for strategies to deal with prejudice, but most go into therapy for the same reasons and life issues that bring straight people to mental health professionals.
What About So-Called "Conversion Therapies"?
Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports however show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of the claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective which condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented. For example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported overtime as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention.
The American Psychological Association is concerned about such therapies and their potential harm to patients. In 1997, the Association's Council of Representatives passed a resolution reaffirming psychology's opposition to homophobia in treatment and spelling out a client's right to unbiased treatment and self-determination. Any person who enters into therapy to deal with issues of sexual orientation has a right to expect that such therapy would take place in a professionally neutral environment absent of any social bias.
Is Homosexuality a Mental Illness or Emotional Problem?
No. Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or an emotional problem. Over 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems. Homosexuality was once thought to be a mental illness because mental health professionals and society had biased information.
In the past the studies of gay, lesbian and bisexual people involved only those in therapy, thus biasing the resulting conclusions. When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue.
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting the removal.
For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.
Can Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals Be Good Parents?
Yes. Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not indicate their children's.
Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children more often than heterosexuals.
Why Do Some Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals Tell People About Their Sexual Orientation?
Because sharing that aspect of themselves with others is important to their mental health. In fact, the process of identity development for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals called "coming out", has been found to be strongly related to psychological adjustment—the more positive the gay, lesbian, or bisexual identity, the better one's mental health and the higher one's self-esteem.
Why Is the "Coming Out" Process Difficult for Some Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People?
For some gay and bisexual people the coming out process is difficult, for others it is not. Often lesbian, gay and bisexual people feel afraid, different, and alone when they first realize that their sexual orientation is different from the community norm. This is particularly true for people becoming aware of their gay, lesbian, or bisexual orientation as a child or adolescent, which is not uncommon. And, depending on their families and where they live, they may have to struggle against prejudice and misinformation about homosexuality.
Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes. They may also fear being rejected by family, friends, co-workers, and religious institutions. Some gay people have to worry about losing their jobs or being harassed at school if their sexual orientation became well known.
Unfortunately, gay, lesbian and bisexual people are at a higher risk for physical assault and violence than are heterosexuals. Studies done in California in the mid 1990s showed that nearly one-fifth of all lesbians who took part in the study and more than one-fourth of all gay men who participated had been the victim of a hate crime based on their sexual orientation. In another California study of approximately 500 young adults, half of all the young men participating in the study admitted to some form of anti-gay aggression from name-calling to physical violence.
What Can Be Done to Overcome the Prejudice and Discrimination the Gay Men, Lesbians, and Bisexuals Experience?
Research has found that the people who have the most positive attitudes toward gay men, lesbians and bisexuals are those who say they know one or more gay, lesbian or bisexual person well—often as a friend or co-worker. For this reason, psychologists believe negative attitudes toward gay people as a group are prejudices that are not grounded in actual experiences but are based on stereotypes and prejudice. Furthermore, protection against violence and discrimination are very important, just as they are for any other minority groups. Some states include violence against an individual on the basis of his or her sexual orientation as a "hate crime" and ten U.S. states have laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Why is it Important for Society to be Better Educated About Homosexuality?
Educating all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice. Accurate information about homosexuality is especially important to young people who are first discovering and seeking to understand their sexuality—whether homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Fears that access to such information will make more people gay have no validity—information about homosexuality does not make someone gay or straight.
Are All Gay and Bisexual Men HIV Infected?
No. This is a commonly held myth. In reality, the risk of exposure to HIV is related to a person's behavior, not their sexual orientation. What's important to remember about HIV/AIDS is it is a preventable disease through the use of safe sex practices and by not using drugs.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Can you guess from which controversial film the scene below was taken from?
{Bo & Kim's PIK}
If you want to know the answer and the entire video for free, feel free to contact my friend through YM: cmultilingual or SKYPE: coolmultilingual
and feel free to visit his blog for his contact info (SMART/GLOBE/SUN):
coming very soon: (hopefully tomorrow when I have time)
{Bo & Kim's PIK}
If you want to know the answer and the entire video for free, feel free to contact my friend through YM: cmultilingual or SKYPE: coolmultilingual
and feel free to visit his blog for his contact info (SMART/GLOBE/SUN):
coming very soon: (hopefully tomorrow when I have time)
More videos coming soon.
For requests, comments and suggestions, feel free to contact my friend through SKYPE: coolmultilingual or YM: cmultilingual
Bangkok Love Story
I love BASKETBALL and of course, Ballers so I posted this link first...
DO YOU LIKE BASKETBALL? OR do you just like BASKETBALL PLAYERS? if you do, download the video from the link below.
http://hotfile.com/dl/47203847/128c20d/SH.wmv.html 65MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/47849637/afbe47b/Ang_Pinakamahabang_One_Night_Stand.wmv.html 279MB



KABALINTUNAAN (Irony / Paradox)
http://hotfile.com/dl/48213110/c569067/Kabalintunaan.avi.html 239 MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/48014320/7f6ae47/M2M_Queer_Fairy_Tales.avi.html 189MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/47959036/37dc1b4/Pinoy_Gay_Kamasutra.avi.html 129MB


http://hotfile.com/dl/48038210/ab86300/Seniors.avi.html 350MB seniors

http://hotfile.com/dl/47657195/0ab09fa/5oph0m0re.wmv.html 197 MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/53696375/ea2153a/Tutok.wmv.html 181.5 MB

Paolo Serrano
Paolo is included in the cast of the Filipino soap "Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo" which will air its last episode today.
If you're gay, just ignore the pechays and if you're lesbian, just ignore the tarugos.


More videos coming soon.
For requests, comments and suggestions, feel free to contact my friend through SKYPE: coolmultilingual or YM: cmultilingual
Bangkok Love Story
I love BASKETBALL and of course, Ballers so I posted this link first...
DO YOU LIKE BASKETBALL? OR do you just like BASKETBALL PLAYERS? if you do, download the video from the link below.
http://hotfile.com/dl/47203847/128c20d/SH.wmv.html 65MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/47849637/afbe47b/Ang_Pinakamahabang_One_Night_Stand.wmv.html 279MB



KABALINTUNAAN (Irony / Paradox)
http://hotfile.com/dl/48213110/c569067/Kabalintunaan.avi.html 239 MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/48014320/7f6ae47/M2M_Queer_Fairy_Tales.avi.html 189MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/47959036/37dc1b4/Pinoy_Gay_Kamasutra.avi.html 129MB


http://hotfile.com/dl/48038210/ab86300/Seniors.avi.html 350MB seniors

http://hotfile.com/dl/47657195/0ab09fa/5oph0m0re.wmv.html 197 MB

http://hotfile.com/dl/53696375/ea2153a/Tutok.wmv.html 181.5 MB

Paolo Serrano
Paolo is included in the cast of the Filipino soap "Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo" which will air its last episode today.
If you're gay, just ignore the pechays and if you're lesbian, just ignore the tarugos.


Saturday, July 17, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Chica Busca Chica / Girl Seeks Girl ~ (2009) ~ Spain
PLOT:The personal and emotional stories of a bunch of friends who are mostly lesbians, are examined. {AUDIO:SPANISH ; SUBTITLES:ENGLISH}

Los Hombres de Paco ~ (2010) ~ Spain
Los Hombres de Paco (Paco's men) is a Spain TV police/comedy series. During season 4 a new character is introduced, Paco's sister Pepa who is also a lesbian. The other character that interest us is Silvia, a forensic doctor at the show. Our story begins when Pepa and Silvia meet again, after 8 years...
I have been watching this story last season & my first impression was that it's nothing but a comedy-drama as mentioned in IMDB. But as the episodes continued I became a fan & now a follower of the show Los Hombres de Paco. Now, I'm looking forward to the new season! It's the only TV show that I have watched in YouTube & I wanna thank all those who have represented the show with english subtitles. In my opinion, Pepa & Silvia is the best lesbian Tv couple this year has to offer.

*With PD quality& English hard subtitles :
Compilation 1-10: http://rapidshare.com/files/267278850/PS1-10en.rar
Compilation 11-20: http://rapidshare.com/files/267314016/PS11-20en.rar
Compilation 21-30: http://rapidshare.com/files/267994468/PS21-30en.rar
Compilation 31-40: http://rapidshare.com/files/276504494/PS31-40en.rar
Compilation 41-50: http://rapidshare.com/files/275258586/PS41-50en.rar
Compilation 51-60: http://rapidshare.com/files/275691425/PS51-60en.rar
Compilation 61-68: http://rapidshare.com/files/275691477/PS61-68en.rar
Compilation 69-75: http://rapidshare.com/files/278706051/PS69-75en.rar
The L Word ~ (2004 - 2009) ~ US
The L Word is an American co-production television drama series originally shown on Showtime portraying the lives of a group of lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their friends, family and lovers in the trendy Los Angeles-area city of West Hollywood, California. The show ran from 2004 to 2009.

The Real L Word ~ (June 2010 - present) ~ US
The Real L Word: Los Angeles is an American reality television series airing on the cable station Showtime, where it premiered on June 20, 2010. Following the success of The L Word, executive producer Ilene Chaiken and Magical Elves Productions created the series. The Real L Word follows a group of six lesbians in their daily lives in Los Angeles.

This Sunday night, the world will finally got to see the first episode of The Real L Word, brought to us by executive producers Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz of Magical Elves (Top Chef, Project Runway, Last Comic Standing) and series creator Ilene Chaiken (The L Word). Though it falls under the often dicey category of "reality" programming, the involvement of Magical Elves creates an expectation of more substantive content than one might have for similar shows, such as The Real Housewives franchise. And the fact that it's about a group of lesbians, not a group of wealthy heterosexual women, also suggests that this reality show might be a little different from the norm. The Real L Word is about sex. If you haven't figured that out from watching the preview clips, you'll get the message in the opening moments of the premiere episode. There, we are introduced to each of the six stars by way of their confessions of their first sexual experiences with other women.
Meet Rose, who doesn't remember the name of the first woman she bedded. Then there's Nikki, who was the "aggressor" in her first sexual encounter with a woman. Jill compares her first sexual experience with a woman to her first sexual experience with a man. Tracy recalls going to a bar, doing a lot of shots and then going home and having sex with a woman who "knew what she was doing." Whitney recalls her first youthful lesbian experience, when she (age nine) lapped Fruity Pebbles and sour cream (she didn't have any whipped cream) off the breasts of another girl (age 11). Finally, there's Mikey, who awakened one morning feeling "super f---ing horny" and had sex with the friend in her bed. She brags, "Before I knew it, I was giving her an orgasm. I was literally eating p---y the first f---ing time I had sex with a woman. And it was awesome."Review by AfterEllen.com
SEASON 1 (English subs included )
Episode 1 -http://rapidshare.com/files/404550659/toalilw11.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V70JS3HN
Episode 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/404005056/toalithiRLIo2.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8W79OG49
Episode 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/405120352/toalitRLIO3RS.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=79W388XY
Episode 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/406914336/toalitIo4RS.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T6LAV07Z
English subs included
1. Retaso (Ynez Veneracion)
2. Photoshoot (Straight to DVD)
1. Rome and Juliet (Andrea Del Rosario)
2. Xerox (Seroks) (Isabel Lopez and Juliana Palermo)
3, Masarap na pugad (Aleck Bovick)
Chica Busca Chica / Girl Seeks Girl ~ (2009) ~ Spain
PLOT:The personal and emotional stories of a bunch of friends who are mostly lesbians, are examined. {AUDIO:SPANISH ; SUBTITLES:ENGLISH}

Los Hombres de Paco ~ (2010) ~ Spain
Los Hombres de Paco (Paco's men) is a Spain TV police/comedy series. During season 4 a new character is introduced, Paco's sister Pepa who is also a lesbian. The other character that interest us is Silvia, a forensic doctor at the show. Our story begins when Pepa and Silvia meet again, after 8 years...
I have been watching this story last season & my first impression was that it's nothing but a comedy-drama as mentioned in IMDB. But as the episodes continued I became a fan & now a follower of the show Los Hombres de Paco. Now, I'm looking forward to the new season! It's the only TV show that I have watched in YouTube & I wanna thank all those who have represented the show with english subtitles. In my opinion, Pepa & Silvia is the best lesbian Tv couple this year has to offer.

*With PD quality& English hard subtitles :
Compilation 1-10: http://rapidshare.com/files/267278850/PS1-10en.rar
Compilation 11-20: http://rapidshare.com/files/267314016/PS11-20en.rar
Compilation 21-30: http://rapidshare.com/files/267994468/PS21-30en.rar
Compilation 31-40: http://rapidshare.com/files/276504494/PS31-40en.rar
Compilation 41-50: http://rapidshare.com/files/275258586/PS41-50en.rar
Compilation 51-60: http://rapidshare.com/files/275691425/PS51-60en.rar
Compilation 61-68: http://rapidshare.com/files/275691477/PS61-68en.rar
Compilation 69-75: http://rapidshare.com/files/278706051/PS69-75en.rar
The L Word ~ (2004 - 2009) ~ US
The L Word is an American co-production television drama series originally shown on Showtime portraying the lives of a group of lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their friends, family and lovers in the trendy Los Angeles-area city of West Hollywood, California. The show ran from 2004 to 2009.

The Real L Word ~ (June 2010 - present) ~ US
The Real L Word: Los Angeles is an American reality television series airing on the cable station Showtime, where it premiered on June 20, 2010. Following the success of The L Word, executive producer Ilene Chaiken and Magical Elves Productions created the series. The Real L Word follows a group of six lesbians in their daily lives in Los Angeles.

This Sunday night, the world will finally got to see the first episode of The Real L Word, brought to us by executive producers Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz of Magical Elves (Top Chef, Project Runway, Last Comic Standing) and series creator Ilene Chaiken (The L Word). Though it falls under the often dicey category of "reality" programming, the involvement of Magical Elves creates an expectation of more substantive content than one might have for similar shows, such as The Real Housewives franchise. And the fact that it's about a group of lesbians, not a group of wealthy heterosexual women, also suggests that this reality show might be a little different from the norm. The Real L Word is about sex. If you haven't figured that out from watching the preview clips, you'll get the message in the opening moments of the premiere episode. There, we are introduced to each of the six stars by way of their confessions of their first sexual experiences with other women.
Meet Rose, who doesn't remember the name of the first woman she bedded. Then there's Nikki, who was the "aggressor" in her first sexual encounter with a woman. Jill compares her first sexual experience with a woman to her first sexual experience with a man. Tracy recalls going to a bar, doing a lot of shots and then going home and having sex with a woman who "knew what she was doing." Whitney recalls her first youthful lesbian experience, when she (age nine) lapped Fruity Pebbles and sour cream (she didn't have any whipped cream) off the breasts of another girl (age 11). Finally, there's Mikey, who awakened one morning feeling "super f---ing horny" and had sex with the friend in her bed. She brags, "Before I knew it, I was giving her an orgasm. I was literally eating p---y the first f---ing time I had sex with a woman. And it was awesome."Review by AfterEllen.com
SEASON 1 (English subs included )
Episode 1 -http://rapidshare.com/files/404550659/toalilw11.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V70JS3HN
Episode 2 - http://rapidshare.com/files/404005056/toalithiRLIo2.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8W79OG49
Episode 3 - http://rapidshare.com/files/405120352/toalitRLIO3RS.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=79W388XY
Episode 4 - http://rapidshare.com/files/406914336/toalitIo4RS.rar
OR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T6LAV07Z
English subs included
1. Retaso (Ynez Veneracion)
2. Photoshoot (Straight to DVD)
1. Rome and Juliet (Andrea Del Rosario)
2. Xerox (Seroks) (Isabel Lopez and Juliana Palermo)
3, Masarap na pugad (Aleck Bovick)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) ~ USA
Steven Russell is happily married to Debbie, and a member of the local police force when a car accident provokes a dramatic reassessment of his life. Steven realizes he's gay and decides to live life to the fullest - even if it means breaking the law. Steven's new, extravagant lifestyle involves cons and fraud and, eventually, a stay in the State Penitentiary where he meets sensitive, soft-spoken Phillip Morris. His devotion to freeing Phillip from jail and building the perfect life together prompts Steven to attempt and often succeed at one impossible con after another.
Comedia negra que narra la historia de Steven Russell (Jim Carrey), un estafador padre de familia que acaba en prisión, donde se enamora de su compañero de celda, Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Debut en la dirección de los guionistas de 'Bad Santa', Glenn Ficarra y John Requa.
Subtítulos en Español (Spanish subs)
The Big Gay Musical
The Nature of Nicholas ~ 2002 ~ Canada
The Nature of Nicholas is a surreal fable that follows twelve-year-old Nicholas as he struggles with an intense attraction to his best friend, Bobby. Nicholas is obsessed with his friend Bobby. Bobby's feelings are less clear. At times he seems to share Nicholas's fascination, but then appears more interested in making inroads with the girls at school. All this leaves young Nicholas very confused. When images of Nicholas's absent father start to appear to him, the boy is understandably frightened. This curious figure gives Nicholas the impression he is pressing his young son closer to the girls in his life and away from Bobby. This only leads to increased anxiety and fear in Nicholas. Fearing that Bobby is drifting away from him, Nicholas takes a chance and kisses him.
The Sum of Us ~ 1994 ~Australia
The Sum of Us is a 1994 Australian film version of the play The Sum of Us. Directed by Kevin Dowling and Geoff Burton, the film starred Russell Crowe and Jack Thompson. The screen adaptation mimics the play's device of breaking the fourth wall with direct to camera conversational asides by both Harry and Jeff. Stevens' screenplay won awards from the Australian Film Institute and the Montréal World Film Festival, and the movie was named Best Film at the Cleveland International Film Festival.
It's a story about a father and a son both searching for love and sharing an unconventional bond. Harry, the father, is the caring and open-minded "mate" that borders on annoyance. His son Jeff unsucessfully searches for love, with the un-wanted guidance of his father.
Rapidshare Links
Video: TV-RIP, no es malo, pero no es calidad DVD. Formato .RMVB
You may need/ Quizás necesites RealAlternative Codecs
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5][Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]Subtítulos En Español
The Wolves of Kromer ~ 1999 ~ UK
Adapted from Charles Lambert's play, this British fantasy is a penetrating parable on homophobia and gossip about gays. Kromer, a village in rural England, dances with wolves surrounding the town. However, the "wolves" seen here are performed by barefoot actors clad in worn jeans and fur coats with furry tails.
http://rapidshare.com/users/PB756Z/13 by Lamar50
Subtítulos en Español
Third Man Out ~ 2005 ~ US/UK
Third Man Out is a 2005 gay-themed mystery film[1]. It is the first film adaptation of a Richard Stevenson novel[2] featuring fictional detective Donald Strachey[3].
A gay detective is hired to find who has been been threatening a notorious member of the gay community noted for outing people.
Rapidshare Downloads
English Original Audio
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
Thirteen or So Minutes ~ 2008 ~ US
Lawrence Jefferies is a guy who's found the flow in his life; he knows how to trust his gut and follow his instincts. Driven by a loving curiosity and strong sense of adventure, he lives his life with a freedom and confidence most men envy. Hugh Greerey, by contrast, lives under the influence of his self-consciousness, struggling to connect to a deeper sense of who he really is. There is a power and intensity to Hugh's spirit which he fights to hold in check until the two meet by happenstance and a defining moment between them opens one into his humanity and propels the other into his soul.
Thirteen or So Minutes (2008).avi.001
Thirteen or So Minutes (2008).avi.002
(deleted links)
Velvet Goldmine ~ UK / US
Velvet Goldmine is a 1998 British/American drama film directed and co-written by Todd Haynes. The film tells the story of a pop star based mainly on David Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust' character and is set in Britain during the days of glam rock in the early 1970s.
1971: Glamrock explodes all over the world and challanges the seriousness within the flowerpower generation by means of glitter and brutal music. Brian Slade, a young rockstar, inspires numerous teenage boys and girls to paint their nails and explore their own sexuality. In the end Slade destroys himself. Unable to escape the role he created for himself, he plots his own murder. When his fans discovers that the murder is a fake, his star falls and he is forgotten about. 1984: Arthur, a journalist working for a New York newspaper, gets assigned the story about the fake murder of Brian Slade. When Arthur was young and grew up in Manchester, he was more than a fan of Slade. Reluctantly he accepts the assignment and starts to investigate what happened his old glamrock hero.
NEW! Original Audio: English- DVDrip Video
Rapidshare download New mirrors
Thanks to http://rapidsharelinkz.blogspot.com/
Walk on Water ~ 2004 ~ Israel
Walk on Water (original Hebrew title: ללכת על המים; English transliteration: Lalekhet Al HaMayim) is an Israeli film released in 2004. It stars Lior Ashkenazi, Knut Berger, and Caroline Peters. It was directed by New York-born Israeli director Eytan Fox. The screenplay was written by Gal Uchovsky. Most of the dialogue takes place in English, although there is much in Hebrew and German. Its name derives in part from Jesus' walking on water.
Etyan Fox's Walk on Water is a juggling act of emotional ambiguities and moral lessons. Following enough plot threads to fill three more films, Gal Uchovsky's screenplay considers alienation in several forms: Jews displaced by Nazism, Israelis and Palestinians displaced by one another, and gays contending with homophobia. While the film follows one man's individual growth quietly and compellingly, it is less convincing when it reaches for broad social prescriptions. Eyal (Lior Ashkenazi) is an Israeli intelligence agent who, when asked about the recent Palestinian suicide bombers in his homeland, coldly dismisses them as "animals." As he suffers from a medical inability to cry tears, Eyal seems primed for blatant symbolism. Instead, he repeatedly moistens his eyes with drops, a more subtle, figurative reminder of his robotic precision.
Audio: Original , Hebrew?
Video: DvdRip
English Subtitles: SRT file Included in Rar
Subtítulos en Español: http://files1.subdivx.com/51486.rar
Wedding Wars ~ 2006 ~ US/Canada
Wedding Wars is a 2006 LGBT romantic comedy film about gay marriage, but also family and politics. It handles a very sensitive emotional issue both lightly and seriously. It stars John Stamos as the lead character, wedding planner Shel, Eric Dane as his brother, James Brolin as the Governor of Maine, Bonnie Somerville as the Governor's daughter, a gay marriage supporter, and Sean Maher as Ted, boyfriend of Shel (Stamos). It premiered on Monday, December 11, 2006 on the A&E Network.
It was well-received by gay audiences and Stamos appeared on the cover of The Advocate to promote the film. Although it is not the first television movie to have gay themes, it is the first about gay marriage.[citation needed] The movie was filmed in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
A comic take on the issue of gay marriage, "Wedding Wars" asks the question: What would happen if every gay person in America suddenly went on strike? An argument between two brothers inadvertently triggers the strike, and it's up to the siblings to solve their differences before the entire country is shut down in this outrageous comedy that explores gay rights, equal treatment under the law, and what it means to be a brother.
Megashares by chad
Were the World Mine ~ 2008 ~ USA
Were the World Mine is a 2008 American romantic/musical film directed by Tom Gustafson and written by Gustafson and Cory James Krueckeberg.
Were the World Mine is a story of gay empowerment, inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Were the World Mine stars Tanner Cohen, Wendy Robie, Judy McLane, Jill Larson, Zelda Williams, Nathaniel David Becker and Ricky Goldman.
If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in love with you?
Rapidshare Reuploaded!
DVDRIP 1,3 GB - AVI Format
Adventure | Fantasy | Musical | Romance
HQ Video- AC3 Audio
Password: kila
Subtitulos en Español (spanish subs) new
Wilde (1997) - UK
Wilde is a 1997 British biographical film directed by Brian Gilbert with Stephen Fry in the title role. The screenplay by Julian Mitchell is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning 1987 biography of Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann.
The story of Oscar Wilde, genius, poet, playwright and the First Modern Man. The self-realisation of his homosexuality caused Wilde enormous torment as he juggled marriage, fatherhood and responsibility with his obsessive love for Lord Alfred Douglas, nicknamed Bosie. After legal action instigated by Bosie's father, the mad Marquess of Queensberry, Wilde refused to flee the country and was sentenced to two years at hard labour by the courts of an intolerant Victorian society...AND JUDE LAW IS GAY!
Yossi & Jagger ~ 2002 ~ Israel
Yossi & Jagger (Hebrew: יוסי וג'אגר) is a 2002 Israeli romantic drama film directed by Eytan Fox about soldiers at the Israel – Lebanon border who try to find some peace and solace from the daily routine of war.
A sociological study of two men in the Israeli army who are lovers. The others in the unit react to their situation, suspecting, but not always understanding. One will leave the military soon, a few months away, as a snowy and desolute outpost is guarded from attack.
This folder's content has been collected by Lamar50
As If (2001 - 2003)~ UK
As If was a British comedy-drama series broadcast on Channel 4. There were 76 episodes across four series, the first broadcast in January 22nd 2001 and the last in July 31st 2004.
As If (2002) ~ US
As If was a short-lived comedy-drama/teen drama that was put in place as a midseason replacement for Roswell and aired on Tuesdays on UPN after Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was based on the successful UK series of the same name and its cast included Emily Corrie, who portrayed Sooz in the original UK version of the show.~
The series focused on six friends in Los Angeles, with full episodes shot entirely from one perspective. Each episode presented different modern topics that applied to many teens of the day.~The series had extraordinary low ratings from the beginning. Seven episodes were produced, but only two were aired before the series was cancelled.
Boy Meets Boy (2003) ~ US
Boy Meets Boy is an American reality television show in which a gay man meets and chooses a mate from a group of 15 potential male suitors. The show was made more novel by the fact that the "leading man" did not know that the mix of suitors included both gay and straight men.~
The show premiered July 29, 2003, on the Bravo cable television channel.[2] A total of six episodes were aired weekly until the finale on September 2, 2003. The show was taped in Palm Springs, California and hosted by Dani Behr.
Dante's Cover (2005 ~ present) ~ US
Dante's Cove is an American LGBT-oriented supernatural soap opera. The series airs on here!, an American gay-oriented network, and on Gay.com.
Created by Michael Costanza and directed by Sam Irvin, Dante's Cove combines elements of the horror and soap opera genres in telling the story of Kevin (Gregory Michael) and Toby (Charlie David), a young couple seeking to be together and overcome the dark mystical forces that conspire to separate them. The show debuted in 2005 to a mixed critical reception. The third season ended on December 21, 2007. here! announced that a fourth season would be in production in the fall of 2009.[1] However, production has not commenced.
Dante's Cove (Season 1)
Dante's Cove (Season 2)
Dante's Cove - Season 3 (2007)
Dante's Cove - Unaired Pilot
Noah's Arc ~ (2005 - 2006) ~ US
Noah's Arc is an American cable television dramedy. The show integrated such socially relevant issues as same sex dating, same sex marriage, HIV/AIDS awareness, infidelity, sexual curiosity, promiscuity, homophobia, gay bashing, and same sex parenthood. It had parallels to, and has been cited as, an African-American version of Sex and the City, Queer as Folk, The Golden Girls and has also been cited as a gay version Living Single and Girlfriends. The series ran from October 19, 2005, to October 4, 2006. Following its cancellation, it was adapted into a 2008 film, Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom as a follow-up to the series..
NOAH'S ARC (Season 1)
NOAH'S ARC (Season 2)
QUEER AS FOLK ~ (1999 - 2000) ~ UK
Queer as Folk is a 1999 British television series that chronicles the lives of three gay men living in Manchester's gay village around Canal Street. Both Queer as Folk and Queer as Folk 2 were written by Russell T Davies. The first series was re-shown on More 4 between 14–18 October 2007 as part of Channel 4's 25th birthday celebrations.
Queer as Folk was produced by the Red Production Company for Channel 4. The title of the programme comes from a dialect expression from some parts of Northern England, "there's nowt so queer as folk", meaning "there's nothing as strange as people"; which plays on the modern day British synonym of "queer", meaning homosexual. Davies had originally titled the series this, although at the suggestion of Channel 4 executives for a period during its development and pre-production it was known as Queer as Fuck, before it reverted to the former name.[1]
Queer as Folk ~ (2000 - 2005) ~ US & Canada
Queer as Folk is an American and Canadian television series co-production, produced by Showtime and Temple Street Productions which was based on the British series of the same name created by Russell T Davies. This North American version of Queer as Folk used various Canadian directors known for their independent film work (including Bruce McDonald, David Wellington, Kelly Makin, John Greyson, Jeremy Podeswa and Michael DeCarlo) as well as famed Australian director Russell Mulcahy (Highlander) who directed the pilot episode. The head writers were Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman who were also the executive producers of the series along with former Warner Bros. Television president Tony Jonas. Other writers in the later seasons included Michael MacLennan, Efrem Seeger, Brad Fraser, Del Shores, and Shawn Postoff.
Queer as folk UK-USA (Online)
Queer As Folk US - Season 1(2000)
Rick & Steve: the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World (2007 - 2009) ~ US & Canada
Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World is an American-Canadian stop motion animated sitcom created by Q. Allan Brocka, who also acts as director.[1] It is a spin off from Brocka's 1999 short film of the same name,[2] and debuted on the LGBT focused Logo network in July 2007[3] and on the Canadian Teletoon's late-night programming block "The Detour" that October. The show premiered in the UK on E4 on 17 September 2008 and in January 2010 on Virgin 17 in France.
After the first season aired Logo renewed the program for a second season, which debuted on November 11, 2008.
The animation of the original Rick & Steve shorts were done using Lego blocks and figures, prompting a lawsuit from the company.[6] Though the series no longer uses Lego blocks, it still draws comparison to both them and those by Playmobil.
It is produced by Toronto-based production studio, Cuppa Coffee Studio.
Skins (2007 - present) ~ UK
Skins is a British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plot line explores issues such as dysfunctional families, personality disorders, eating disorders, mental illness, homosexuality, and death. The show was created by father and son television writers Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain for Company Pictures,[1] and premiered on E4 on 25 January 2007.[2]
The show is notable for its casting of amateur actors and young writers. The cast are entirely replaced every two series, when the characters leave sixth form. Skins has broadcast four series, and has been commissioned up to a sixth. A Skins film is also in production, as well as an American adaptation by MTV, set in Baltimore, Maryland.
Skins (Season 3)
Skins - Season 1 (2007)
Skins Season 2
Star Trek - Blood and Fire (Part 1)
The Lair (2007 ~ 2009) ~ US
The Lair is an American gay-themed vampire television series produced by here! in 2007. The first season, consisting of six episodes, wrapped production in January of that year. The first two episodes premiered on June 1, 2007. Season 2, consisting of 9 episodes debuted on September 5, 2008.[1] A third season of 13 episodes was announced in September 2008 and Colton Ford confirmed that filming took place in October and November 2008.[2] Season 3 premiered September 4, 2009. All three seasons also currently air online at Gay.com. A fourth season has yet to be announced.
The Lair Season 2
Torchwood ~ (2009) ~ UK
Torchwood (pronounced /ˈtɔrtʃwʊd/) is a British science fiction television programme, created by Russell T Davies. It deals with the machinations and activities of the Cardiff branch of the fictional Torchwood Institute, which deals mainly with incidents involving extraterrestrials.
An initial 13-part series was commissioned by the BBC as a spin-off from the 2005 revival of the long-running science fiction programme Doctor Who with which it is closely interlinked. The main cast consists of John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd. Gorman and Mori left the programme after the second series, with Kai Owen promoted from a recurring role to the main cast in series 3.
For the first three series of Torchwood, the programme was produced in-house by BBC Cymru Wales. The Head of Drama at the time of the first series, Julie Gardner, served as executive producer alongside Davies. The first two episodes of Series 1 of Torchwood premiered on 22 October 2006 on BBC Three and BBC HD. Series 2 premiered on BBC Two and BBC HD on 16 January 2008.[2][3] The third series, a five part mini-series entitled Torchwood: Children of Earth, aired on BBC One and BBC HD between 6 July and 10 July 2009.[4][5][6][7]
On 7 June 2010, it was confirmed that Torchwood will be returning as a co-production between BBC Cymru Wales, BBC Worldwide and US premium entertainment network Starz for a fourth series consisting of 10 episodes. John Barrowman and Eve Myles will be returning to the series which will feature locations from around the world.[8]
Torchwood (Season 1)
Torchwood (Season 2)
Torchwood: Children of Earth (Season 3)
* A Very British Sex Scandal (2007)
* All the Rage (1997)
* Another Gay Movie (2006)
* Another Gay Sequel
* Beautiful thing (DVDRip-SP)
* Boy Culture (2006)
* Brokeback Mountain (2005)
* Circuit (2001)
* Cruising (1980)
* Dante's Cove(First Season- Primera Temporada)
* Days (Giorni)
* Dog Tags (2008)
* Doorman (2006) Short
* Du er ikke alene (You are not alone)
* East Side Story
* Eating Out (2004)
* Food of Love (2002)
* Friends and Family (2001)
* Frisk (1995)
* Get Real (1998)
* Gone, But Not Forgotten (2003)
* Green Plaid Shirt (1997)
* Happy Endings (2005)
* Harry + Max (2004)
* Head On (1998)
* His Secret Life (Le fati ignoranti)(2001)
* Ice Blues (2008)
* In & Out (¿Es o no es?)(1997)
* In extremis (2000)
* Juste une question d'amour (2000)
* Kinsey (2004)
* Kiss the Bride (2007)
* Km. 0 (2000)
* La Virgen de los sicarios (2000)
* Latter Days (2003)
* Les chansons d'amour (2007)
* Let's Go to Prison (2006)
* Los Novios Búllgaros (2003)
* Luster (2002)
* Ma vie en Rosa (1997)
* Mambo Italiano (2003)
* Maurice (1987)
* My Own Private Idaho (1991)
* Mysterious Skin (2004)
* Nowhere (1997)
* Oh Happy Day (2007)
* On the Other Hand, Death (2008)
* Philadelphia (1993)
* Plata Quemada (2000)
* Priest (1994)
* Prom Queen (2004)
* Querelle (1982)
* Relax... It's Just Sex (1998)
* Save Me (2007)
* Save Me (2007)
* Scenes of a Sexual Nature (2006)
* Shelter (2008)
* Shock to the System (2006)
* Sommersturm (2004)
* Sommersturm (2004)
* Starcrossed (2005)
* Sun Kissed (2006)
* Tan Lines (2006)
* Testosterone (2003)
* The Nature of Nicholas (2002)
* The Sum of Us (TV-RIP)(1994)
* The Wolves of Kromer (1998)
* Third Man Out (2005)
* Thirteen or So Minutes (2008) Short
* Velvet Goldmine (1998)
* Walk on Water (2004)
* Wedding Wars (2006)
* Were the World Mine (2008)
* Wilde (1997)
* Yossi & Jagger (2002)
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) ~ USA

Steven Russell is happily married to Debbie, and a member of the local police force when a car accident provokes a dramatic reassessment of his life. Steven realizes he's gay and decides to live life to the fullest - even if it means breaking the law. Steven's new, extravagant lifestyle involves cons and fraud and, eventually, a stay in the State Penitentiary where he meets sensitive, soft-spoken Phillip Morris. His devotion to freeing Phillip from jail and building the perfect life together prompts Steven to attempt and often succeed at one impossible con after another.
Comedia negra que narra la historia de Steven Russell (Jim Carrey), un estafador padre de familia que acaba en prisión, donde se enamora de su compañero de celda, Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Debut en la dirección de los guionistas de 'Bad Santa', Glenn Ficarra y John Requa.
Subtítulos en Español (Spanish subs)
The Big Gay Musical
The Nature of Nicholas ~ 2002 ~ Canada
The Nature of Nicholas is a surreal fable that follows twelve-year-old Nicholas as he struggles with an intense attraction to his best friend, Bobby. Nicholas is obsessed with his friend Bobby. Bobby's feelings are less clear. At times he seems to share Nicholas's fascination, but then appears more interested in making inroads with the girls at school. All this leaves young Nicholas very confused. When images of Nicholas's absent father start to appear to him, the boy is understandably frightened. This curious figure gives Nicholas the impression he is pressing his young son closer to the girls in his life and away from Bobby. This only leads to increased anxiety and fear in Nicholas. Fearing that Bobby is drifting away from him, Nicholas takes a chance and kisses him.

The Sum of Us ~ 1994 ~Australia
The Sum of Us is a 1994 Australian film version of the play The Sum of Us. Directed by Kevin Dowling and Geoff Burton, the film starred Russell Crowe and Jack Thompson. The screen adaptation mimics the play's device of breaking the fourth wall with direct to camera conversational asides by both Harry and Jeff. Stevens' screenplay won awards from the Australian Film Institute and the Montréal World Film Festival, and the movie was named Best Film at the Cleveland International Film Festival.
It's a story about a father and a son both searching for love and sharing an unconventional bond. Harry, the father, is the caring and open-minded "mate" that borders on annoyance. His son Jeff unsucessfully searches for love, with the un-wanted guidance of his father.

Rapidshare Links
Video: TV-RIP, no es malo, pero no es calidad DVD. Formato .RMVB
You may need/ Quizás necesites RealAlternative Codecs
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5][Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]Subtítulos En Español
The Wolves of Kromer ~ 1999 ~ UK
Adapted from Charles Lambert's play, this British fantasy is a penetrating parable on homophobia and gossip about gays. Kromer, a village in rural England, dances with wolves surrounding the town. However, the "wolves" seen here are performed by barefoot actors clad in worn jeans and fur coats with furry tails.
http://rapidshare.com/users/PB756Z/13 by Lamar50
Subtítulos en Español
Third Man Out ~ 2005 ~ US/UK
Third Man Out is a 2005 gay-themed mystery film[1]. It is the first film adaptation of a Richard Stevenson novel[2] featuring fictional detective Donald Strachey[3].
A gay detective is hired to find who has been been threatening a notorious member of the gay community noted for outing people.

Rapidshare Downloads
English Original Audio
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
Thirteen or So Minutes ~ 2008 ~ US
Lawrence Jefferies is a guy who's found the flow in his life; he knows how to trust his gut and follow his instincts. Driven by a loving curiosity and strong sense of adventure, he lives his life with a freedom and confidence most men envy. Hugh Greerey, by contrast, lives under the influence of his self-consciousness, struggling to connect to a deeper sense of who he really is. There is a power and intensity to Hugh's spirit which he fights to hold in check until the two meet by happenstance and a defining moment between them opens one into his humanity and propels the other into his soul.
Thirteen or So Minutes (2008).avi.001
Thirteen or So Minutes (2008).avi.002
(deleted links)
Velvet Goldmine ~ UK / US
Velvet Goldmine is a 1998 British/American drama film directed and co-written by Todd Haynes. The film tells the story of a pop star based mainly on David Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust' character and is set in Britain during the days of glam rock in the early 1970s.
1971: Glamrock explodes all over the world and challanges the seriousness within the flowerpower generation by means of glitter and brutal music. Brian Slade, a young rockstar, inspires numerous teenage boys and girls to paint their nails and explore their own sexuality. In the end Slade destroys himself. Unable to escape the role he created for himself, he plots his own murder. When his fans discovers that the murder is a fake, his star falls and he is forgotten about. 1984: Arthur, a journalist working for a New York newspaper, gets assigned the story about the fake murder of Brian Slade. When Arthur was young and grew up in Manchester, he was more than a fan of Slade. Reluctantly he accepts the assignment and starts to investigate what happened his old glamrock hero.
NEW! Original Audio: English- DVDrip Video
Rapidshare download New mirrors
Thanks to http://rapidsharelinkz.blogspot.com/
Walk on Water ~ 2004 ~ Israel
Walk on Water (original Hebrew title: ללכת על המים; English transliteration: Lalekhet Al HaMayim) is an Israeli film released in 2004. It stars Lior Ashkenazi, Knut Berger, and Caroline Peters. It was directed by New York-born Israeli director Eytan Fox. The screenplay was written by Gal Uchovsky. Most of the dialogue takes place in English, although there is much in Hebrew and German. Its name derives in part from Jesus' walking on water.
Etyan Fox's Walk on Water is a juggling act of emotional ambiguities and moral lessons. Following enough plot threads to fill three more films, Gal Uchovsky's screenplay considers alienation in several forms: Jews displaced by Nazism, Israelis and Palestinians displaced by one another, and gays contending with homophobia. While the film follows one man's individual growth quietly and compellingly, it is less convincing when it reaches for broad social prescriptions. Eyal (Lior Ashkenazi) is an Israeli intelligence agent who, when asked about the recent Palestinian suicide bombers in his homeland, coldly dismisses them as "animals." As he suffers from a medical inability to cry tears, Eyal seems primed for blatant symbolism. Instead, he repeatedly moistens his eyes with drops, a more subtle, figurative reminder of his robotic precision.
Audio: Original , Hebrew?
Video: DvdRip
English Subtitles: SRT file Included in Rar
Subtítulos en Español: http://files1.subdivx.com/51486.rar
Wedding Wars ~ 2006 ~ US/Canada
Wedding Wars is a 2006 LGBT romantic comedy film about gay marriage, but also family and politics. It handles a very sensitive emotional issue both lightly and seriously. It stars John Stamos as the lead character, wedding planner Shel, Eric Dane as his brother, James Brolin as the Governor of Maine, Bonnie Somerville as the Governor's daughter, a gay marriage supporter, and Sean Maher as Ted, boyfriend of Shel (Stamos). It premiered on Monday, December 11, 2006 on the A&E Network.
It was well-received by gay audiences and Stamos appeared on the cover of The Advocate to promote the film. Although it is not the first television movie to have gay themes, it is the first about gay marriage.[citation needed] The movie was filmed in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
A comic take on the issue of gay marriage, "Wedding Wars" asks the question: What would happen if every gay person in America suddenly went on strike? An argument between two brothers inadvertently triggers the strike, and it's up to the siblings to solve their differences before the entire country is shut down in this outrageous comedy that explores gay rights, equal treatment under the law, and what it means to be a brother.
Megashares by chad
Were the World Mine ~ 2008 ~ USA
Were the World Mine is a 2008 American romantic/musical film directed by Tom Gustafson and written by Gustafson and Cory James Krueckeberg.
Were the World Mine is a story of gay empowerment, inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Were the World Mine stars Tanner Cohen, Wendy Robie, Judy McLane, Jill Larson, Zelda Williams, Nathaniel David Becker and Ricky Goldman.

If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in love with you?
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Wilde (1997) - UK
Wilde is a 1997 British biographical film directed by Brian Gilbert with Stephen Fry in the title role. The screenplay by Julian Mitchell is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning 1987 biography of Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann.

The story of Oscar Wilde, genius, poet, playwright and the First Modern Man. The self-realisation of his homosexuality caused Wilde enormous torment as he juggled marriage, fatherhood and responsibility with his obsessive love for Lord Alfred Douglas, nicknamed Bosie. After legal action instigated by Bosie's father, the mad Marquess of Queensberry, Wilde refused to flee the country and was sentenced to two years at hard labour by the courts of an intolerant Victorian society...AND JUDE LAW IS GAY!
Yossi & Jagger ~ 2002 ~ Israel
Yossi & Jagger (Hebrew: יוסי וג'אגר) is a 2002 Israeli romantic drama film directed by Eytan Fox about soldiers at the Israel – Lebanon border who try to find some peace and solace from the daily routine of war.
A sociological study of two men in the Israeli army who are lovers. The others in the unit react to their situation, suspecting, but not always understanding. One will leave the military soon, a few months away, as a snowy and desolute outpost is guarded from attack.

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As If (2001 - 2003)~ UK
As If was a British comedy-drama series broadcast on Channel 4. There were 76 episodes across four series, the first broadcast in January 22nd 2001 and the last in July 31st 2004.
As If (2002) ~ US
As If was a short-lived comedy-drama/teen drama that was put in place as a midseason replacement for Roswell and aired on Tuesdays on UPN after Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was based on the successful UK series of the same name and its cast included Emily Corrie, who portrayed Sooz in the original UK version of the show.~
The series focused on six friends in Los Angeles, with full episodes shot entirely from one perspective. Each episode presented different modern topics that applied to many teens of the day.~The series had extraordinary low ratings from the beginning. Seven episodes were produced, but only two were aired before the series was cancelled.
Boy Meets Boy (2003) ~ US
Boy Meets Boy is an American reality television show in which a gay man meets and chooses a mate from a group of 15 potential male suitors. The show was made more novel by the fact that the "leading man" did not know that the mix of suitors included both gay and straight men.~
The show premiered July 29, 2003, on the Bravo cable television channel.[2] A total of six episodes were aired weekly until the finale on September 2, 2003. The show was taped in Palm Springs, California and hosted by Dani Behr.
Dante's Cover (2005 ~ present) ~ US
Dante's Cove is an American LGBT-oriented supernatural soap opera. The series airs on here!, an American gay-oriented network, and on Gay.com.
Created by Michael Costanza and directed by Sam Irvin, Dante's Cove combines elements of the horror and soap opera genres in telling the story of Kevin (Gregory Michael) and Toby (Charlie David), a young couple seeking to be together and overcome the dark mystical forces that conspire to separate them. The show debuted in 2005 to a mixed critical reception. The third season ended on December 21, 2007. here! announced that a fourth season would be in production in the fall of 2009.[1] However, production has not commenced.
Dante's Cove (Season 1)
Dante's Cove (Season 2)
Dante's Cove - Season 3 (2007)
Dante's Cove - Unaired Pilot
Noah's Arc ~ (2005 - 2006) ~ US
Noah's Arc is an American cable television dramedy. The show integrated such socially relevant issues as same sex dating, same sex marriage, HIV/AIDS awareness, infidelity, sexual curiosity, promiscuity, homophobia, gay bashing, and same sex parenthood. It had parallels to, and has been cited as, an African-American version of Sex and the City, Queer as Folk, The Golden Girls and has also been cited as a gay version Living Single and Girlfriends. The series ran from October 19, 2005, to October 4, 2006. Following its cancellation, it was adapted into a 2008 film, Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom as a follow-up to the series..
NOAH'S ARC (Season 1)
NOAH'S ARC (Season 2)
QUEER AS FOLK ~ (1999 - 2000) ~ UK
Queer as Folk is a 1999 British television series that chronicles the lives of three gay men living in Manchester's gay village around Canal Street. Both Queer as Folk and Queer as Folk 2 were written by Russell T Davies. The first series was re-shown on More 4 between 14–18 October 2007 as part of Channel 4's 25th birthday celebrations.
Queer as Folk was produced by the Red Production Company for Channel 4. The title of the programme comes from a dialect expression from some parts of Northern England, "there's nowt so queer as folk", meaning "there's nothing as strange as people"; which plays on the modern day British synonym of "queer", meaning homosexual. Davies had originally titled the series this, although at the suggestion of Channel 4 executives for a period during its development and pre-production it was known as Queer as Fuck, before it reverted to the former name.[1]
Queer as Folk ~ (2000 - 2005) ~ US & Canada
Queer as Folk is an American and Canadian television series co-production, produced by Showtime and Temple Street Productions which was based on the British series of the same name created by Russell T Davies. This North American version of Queer as Folk used various Canadian directors known for their independent film work (including Bruce McDonald, David Wellington, Kelly Makin, John Greyson, Jeremy Podeswa and Michael DeCarlo) as well as famed Australian director Russell Mulcahy (Highlander) who directed the pilot episode. The head writers were Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman who were also the executive producers of the series along with former Warner Bros. Television president Tony Jonas. Other writers in the later seasons included Michael MacLennan, Efrem Seeger, Brad Fraser, Del Shores, and Shawn Postoff.
Queer as folk UK-USA (Online)
Queer As Folk US - Season 1(2000)
Rick & Steve: the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World (2007 - 2009) ~ US & Canada
Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World is an American-Canadian stop motion animated sitcom created by Q. Allan Brocka, who also acts as director.[1] It is a spin off from Brocka's 1999 short film of the same name,[2] and debuted on the LGBT focused Logo network in July 2007[3] and on the Canadian Teletoon's late-night programming block "The Detour" that October. The show premiered in the UK on E4 on 17 September 2008 and in January 2010 on Virgin 17 in France.
After the first season aired Logo renewed the program for a second season, which debuted on November 11, 2008.
The animation of the original Rick & Steve shorts were done using Lego blocks and figures, prompting a lawsuit from the company.[6] Though the series no longer uses Lego blocks, it still draws comparison to both them and those by Playmobil.
It is produced by Toronto-based production studio, Cuppa Coffee Studio.
Skins (2007 - present) ~ UK
Skins is a British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plot line explores issues such as dysfunctional families, personality disorders, eating disorders, mental illness, homosexuality, and death. The show was created by father and son television writers Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain for Company Pictures,[1] and premiered on E4 on 25 January 2007.[2]
The show is notable for its casting of amateur actors and young writers. The cast are entirely replaced every two series, when the characters leave sixth form. Skins has broadcast four series, and has been commissioned up to a sixth. A Skins film is also in production, as well as an American adaptation by MTV, set in Baltimore, Maryland.
Skins (Season 3)
Skins - Season 1 (2007)
Skins Season 2
Star Trek - Blood and Fire (Part 1)
The Lair (2007 ~ 2009) ~ US
The Lair is an American gay-themed vampire television series produced by here! in 2007. The first season, consisting of six episodes, wrapped production in January of that year. The first two episodes premiered on June 1, 2007. Season 2, consisting of 9 episodes debuted on September 5, 2008.[1] A third season of 13 episodes was announced in September 2008 and Colton Ford confirmed that filming took place in October and November 2008.[2] Season 3 premiered September 4, 2009. All three seasons also currently air online at Gay.com. A fourth season has yet to be announced.
The Lair Season 2
Torchwood ~ (2009) ~ UK
Torchwood (pronounced /ˈtɔrtʃwʊd/) is a British science fiction television programme, created by Russell T Davies. It deals with the machinations and activities of the Cardiff branch of the fictional Torchwood Institute, which deals mainly with incidents involving extraterrestrials.
An initial 13-part series was commissioned by the BBC as a spin-off from the 2005 revival of the long-running science fiction programme Doctor Who with which it is closely interlinked. The main cast consists of John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd. Gorman and Mori left the programme after the second series, with Kai Owen promoted from a recurring role to the main cast in series 3.
For the first three series of Torchwood, the programme was produced in-house by BBC Cymru Wales. The Head of Drama at the time of the first series, Julie Gardner, served as executive producer alongside Davies. The first two episodes of Series 1 of Torchwood premiered on 22 October 2006 on BBC Three and BBC HD. Series 2 premiered on BBC Two and BBC HD on 16 January 2008.[2][3] The third series, a five part mini-series entitled Torchwood: Children of Earth, aired on BBC One and BBC HD between 6 July and 10 July 2009.[4][5][6][7]
On 7 June 2010, it was confirmed that Torchwood will be returning as a co-production between BBC Cymru Wales, BBC Worldwide and US premium entertainment network Starz for a fourth series consisting of 10 episodes. John Barrowman and Eve Myles will be returning to the series which will feature locations from around the world.[8]
Torchwood (Season 1)
Torchwood (Season 2)
Torchwood: Children of Earth (Season 3)
* A Very British Sex Scandal (2007)
* All the Rage (1997)
* Another Gay Movie (2006)
* Another Gay Sequel
* Beautiful thing (DVDRip-SP)
* Boy Culture (2006)
* Brokeback Mountain (2005)
* Circuit (2001)
* Cruising (1980)
* Dante's Cove(First Season- Primera Temporada)
* Days (Giorni)
* Dog Tags (2008)
* Doorman (2006) Short
* Du er ikke alene (You are not alone)
* East Side Story
* Eating Out (2004)
* Food of Love (2002)
* Friends and Family (2001)
* Frisk (1995)
* Get Real (1998)
* Gone, But Not Forgotten (2003)
* Green Plaid Shirt (1997)
* Happy Endings (2005)
* Harry + Max (2004)
* Head On (1998)
* His Secret Life (Le fati ignoranti)(2001)
* Ice Blues (2008)
* In & Out (¿Es o no es?)(1997)
* In extremis (2000)
* Juste une question d'amour (2000)
* Kinsey (2004)
* Kiss the Bride (2007)
* Km. 0 (2000)
* La Virgen de los sicarios (2000)
* Latter Days (2003)
* Les chansons d'amour (2007)
* Let's Go to Prison (2006)
* Los Novios Búllgaros (2003)
* Luster (2002)
* Ma vie en Rosa (1997)
* Mambo Italiano (2003)
* Maurice (1987)
* My Own Private Idaho (1991)
* Mysterious Skin (2004)
* Nowhere (1997)
* Oh Happy Day (2007)
* On the Other Hand, Death (2008)
* Philadelphia (1993)
* Plata Quemada (2000)
* Priest (1994)
* Prom Queen (2004)
* Querelle (1982)
* Relax... It's Just Sex (1998)
* Save Me (2007)
* Save Me (2007)
* Scenes of a Sexual Nature (2006)
* Shelter (2008)
* Shock to the System (2006)
* Sommersturm (2004)
* Sommersturm (2004)
* Starcrossed (2005)
* Sun Kissed (2006)
* Tan Lines (2006)
* Testosterone (2003)
* The Nature of Nicholas (2002)
* The Sum of Us (TV-RIP)(1994)
* The Wolves of Kromer (1998)
* Third Man Out (2005)
* Thirteen or So Minutes (2008) Short
* Velvet Goldmine (1998)
* Walk on Water (2004)
* Wedding Wars (2006)
* Were the World Mine (2008)
* Wilde (1997)
* Yossi & Jagger (2002)
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